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10 Reasons You Should Become a Season Subscriber

As we come to the end of October, (Wow, how time flies!) we’re all likely spending our time putting together costumes and preparing to stuff our faces with as much Halloween candy as our stomachs will allow. (I’m now accepting donations of unwanted chocolate - just saying!) This year, All Hallow’s Eve doesn’t just mark the one night a year when it’s acceptable for kids to walk through the neighborhood in strange outfits begging for sweets, October 31st, 2017, is also the deadline to purchase a season subscription for KVTA. Because there are few things that get me jazzed as much as high quality theatre, I decided to give you a list of 10 reasons why you should become a season subscriber of Kankakee Valley Theatre Association. Check it out!

[if !supportLists]- Based on the subscription level you choose (Patron, Dress Circle, Thespian, or VIP), you can receive up to 40 flex passes to use for any production in our 2017-2018 season which includes: The Addams Family, Madagascar JR., The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Dear Edwina JR., and The Little Mermaid.

[if !supportLists]- You can share your flex passes with your friends and family! Help spread the word of how amazing community theatre is in Kankakee County by bringing someone new to one of our top-notch productions!

[if !supportLists]- The patron lounge is awesome! Each show has its own unique patron lounge with different food offerings that are tailored to the themes in the show. The patron lounge is truly a production in and of itself, and if you’re a subscriber you get passes to attend this creative refreshment fest. Count me in!

[if !supportLists]- You get early access to purchase tickets. Season subscribers of KVTA get to choose their seats early, so you can be front and center for all the action of your favorite upcoming shows!

[if !supportLists]- You get your name in the program! Some good deeds go without recognition, but not this one! What could be cooler than seeing your name in the program as a nice reminder of the good deed you did for your local community theatre?

[if !supportLists]- Avoid ticket lines! By being a season subscriber you can get your tickets ahead of time which is awesome because - let’s be honest - who really wants to wait in line for tickets? Not this girl!

[if !supportLists]- You get to vote! All KVTA members in good standing are eligible to vote in the general election each summer. There’s nothing better than making your voice heard!

[if !supportLists]- You’re one step closer to being in a production! All cast and staff members are also members of KVTA, so as a season subscriber, you’re already covered. PLUS, you already have tickets to spare so your loved ones can come see you in action!

[if !supportLists]- You can support your friends and family! As someone who has been in a show, I can personally attest to how exciting it is to know that 10 of your closest pals are sitting in the audience watching you do your thing.

[if !supportLists]- You can support community theatre! KVTA is the longest standing community theatre organization in the area, and you can be part of that history by being a member!

Don’t wait! You can become a season subscriber today and get access to all five of our awesome productions this season! Go to for subscription information and order your membership before the October 31st, 2017, deadline!

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