AUGUST 15, 2024
Dear Area Educators,
(Administrators: please share with your staff!)
Welcome back to a new school year! We hope you had a restful and wonderful summer. We would like to thank you for your support of KVTA’s Young Peoples Theatre (YPT) productions in the past. KVTA is again offering school show performances for our YPT productions this season. This fall, our youth will be performing Elf JR at Lincoln Cultural Center in Kankakee with school show performances on Thursday, November 21, and Friday, November 22, 2024, at 9:30 am and 12:30 pm. In the spring, our youth will be performing Shrek JR at Lincoln Cultural Center in Kankakee with school show performances on Thursday, March 13, and Friday, March 14, 2025, at 9:30 am and 12:30 pm.
There are two showtimes available each day at 9:30 am and 12:30 pm. We will accept reservations for our performances of both YPT shows beginning Tuesday, September 3 at 4 pm. NO RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED PRIOR TO THIS DATE AND TIME. Rather than having schools fill out and mail or email documents, we will be providing online sign-up forms for each of the show performances. Links to the show forms are below, but they will not become available until after 4:00 pm on Tuesday, September 3.
Link to ELF JR Registration Form
Link to SHREK JR Registration Form
Information to have ready for your registration: School Name, Contact Person Name, Contact Phone Number, Contact Email Address, Grade Level(s) Attending, Special Accommodations Needed, Which Show Date/Time you are Wanting to Attend, Total Number of Tickets Needed (Students, Teachers & Chaperones - Everyone must have a ticket!), and Total Amount Due (# of tickets x $5.00/ticket). All tickets are non-refundable.
Note: You will need to complete a separate form for EACH PERFORMANCE your school wishes to attend. For example: if you are wanting to attend 2 performances of ELF JR and 1 performance of SHREK JR, you will have to submit 3 separate forms, one for each show performance.
Due to the large number of ticket requests we receive, please allow 5 business days to receive your ticket acceptance response and confirmation letter. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AN EMAIL RESPONSE WITHIN 5 BUSINESS DAYS, PLEASE CONTACT US AT kvtashows@gmail.com. Our shows generally sell out, so tickets are offered on a first come, first serve basis. All tickets are non-refundable.
Thank you again for your continued support of our shows. Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing all of you this season!
Kayla James & Kimberly Hall
KVTA School Reservations Committee Directors